•          I really admire Barack Obama because he was the first black president of the USA. He is the 44th presidente of the United States of America.Obama was born on August 4, 1961,in Honolulu, Hawaii, and is the first President to have been born in Hawaii. he was a great basketball player and one day, he receive the ball on his head and he had stitches before an inportant appointment. he is extremely accute, more precisely for kill flys. He is an awesome president and I hope he will win the next presidential election.

    Barack Obama, the best?

    He have a beautifulwife, who's name is Michelle, and I think malicious person can be attract by her.

     That's why Obama is the best arround the world, and he was the only president to be it. 

    Obama, you can win the presidential election, you must win!!!

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